Ghigo Roli photographer


  San Severino Marche, Pinacoteca Comunale: Paolo Veneziano, Polyptych (1358) with Saints. Detail of St. Peter the Apostle.

Paolo Veneziano

Palazzo Ducale, Pisanello room, north-east wall: “Tournament-Battle of Louvezerp”, 1430-1433, by Antonio di Puccio, known as Pisanello. detached wall painting, mixed media. The subject is taken from “Le roman en prose de Tristan”, a masterpiece of chivalric literature.Detail with ladies of court in a canopy.


Lugano, Church of St. Mary of Angels: "Passion and Crucifixion of Christ", frescoes by Bernardino Luini, 1529. Detail with man riding a horse.

Bernardino Luini

 Mantua, Palazzo Te (Gonzaga's summer residence), Sala di Amore e Psiche (Chamber of Cupid and Psyche): East wall, detail with Aci and the nymph Galatea. Frescoes by Giulio Romano (1526 - 1528) who got his inspiration from Apuleius' Metamorphoses.

Giulio Romano

 Parma, Fontanellato, Rocca Sanvitale, room of Diana and Actaeon: detail of the ceiling with the cycle of frescoes by Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola) depicting the myth of Diana and Actaeon, taken from Ovid's Metamorphoses. The room, frescoed in 1524, probably was the bathroom of Paola Gonzaga, wife of Galeazzo Sanvitale. Two nymphs attending at the Diana's bath,


 Maser, Villa Barbaro,  Hall of Olympus: fresco  "The Hunter", that is a self portrait by Veronese (Paolo Caliari), 1560 - 1561.


Vicenza, Villa Valmarana ai Nani, Guest Lodgings, the Room of the Carnival Scenes: "Moor Servant on a False Staircase". Frescoes by Giandomenico Tiepolo, 1757. Detail.


 Bologna Palazzo Poggi, Room of Polyphemus: vault with episodes of the Odyssey. Detail of Aeolus giving Ulysses the bag with all the winds.Frescoes by Pellegrino Tibaldi, 1550 - 1551

Pellegrino Tibaldi

Cortemaggiore, Church of SS. Annunziata (part of the Franciscan Convent), Chapel of the Conception: lunette representing a sybil, frescoes by Giovanni Antonio de Sacchis, known as il Pordenone, about 1529.


  Saronno, Shrine of Our Lady of Miracles: the dome of the transept with the great fresco "Assumption of the Blessed Virgin", known as "The choir of angels playing music" painted by Gaudenzio Ferrari from 1534.Paradise is essentially represented by the multitude of angelic presences, placed to crown the face of God and to welcome the arrival of the Virgin.The angels playing music constitute the most varied orchestra of stringed and percussion instruments that has never been painted.Fifty-six different musical instruments can be identified, the most recognizable ones are ancient instruments, the others have been created by  the artist's imagination. The following instruments are recognized: alpenhorn (horn of the Alps), altobasso, harp, bombard, cimballini or small plates, bagpipes, cornet, flute, pan or syringe flute, hurdy-gurdy, lyre, lute, nyastaranga,ribeca, viella, salterio or zither, tambourine , timpani, triangle, trumpet, viola.Detail.

Gaudenzio Ferrari

Ferrara, Palazzo Costabili or Palazzo di Ludovico il Moro (today it is the seat of the National Archaeological of Spina), Aula Costabiliana o Hall of the Treasure, vault, XVI century frescoes by  Benvenuto Tisi, known as  il Garofalo: detail with two beautiful gentlewomen. One is holding a  lute. Along the sides of the ceiling a large balcony, where Oriental rugs are hanging out, is painted. There is a gallery of characters, many of them have musical instruments. They leanfrom the balcony and show the observers their love for arts, music and poetry. The ceiling is almost a showcase of the aristocracy of the time with portraits of rare elegance.  In an evocative scenography, above the balcony, there are a turquoise sky , with a gazebo filled with branches of fruit, knotted around the balustrade. This room is, in fact, a hortus conclusus, a secret garden realised by the owner for his notable guests.At the centre  there are a magnificent rose window in carved and gilded wood, and a painted architecture that is used both as a decoration and as a cover.  All around runs a frieze that goes all around the room, with grotesque medallions depicting with scenes taken from mythology and stories of ancient Rome.


“Concerts of Angels”, fresco by Matti Preti, 1651-2, apse of the Church of S. Biagio nel Carmine in Modena. Detail with putti.

Mattia Preti

Assicoop - Unipol Collection:  Adeodato Malatesta  "Male Portrait, The Mad Man"; oil on canvas.

Adeodato Malatesta

Assicoop - Unipol Collection: Giuseppe Graziosi, "Female Peasant with a pig", bronze.

Giuseppe Graziosi

Assicoop - Unipol Collection: Mario Vellani Marchi (1895 - 1979),Study for "Aymone leading blind Oedipus". Oil painting on cardboard.

Mario Vellani Marchi

Telemaco Signorini: "Landscape of Florence grom the hill of St. Miniato",  1856, oil painting on canvas.

Giovanni and Telemaco Signorini

“Mademoiselle de Nemidofft”, by Giovanni Boldini, 1908, oil painting on canvas.Detail.

Giovanni Boldini

“Woman sitting on a Tree with a Red Parasol. La Lettura, July 1, 1925”, Illustration by Marcello Dudovich for the cover  of the magazine “La Lettura”, 1924, letterpress print. Detail.

Marcello Dudovich

 Rovereto, Casa Depero: advertising painting  "Squisito al selz" for Bitter Campari, by Fortunato Depero, 1926.

Fortunato Depero

Assicoop - Unipol Collection: Silvestro Barberini (1854 - 1916), "Sitting Girl"; terracotta. 72.

Artists from Modena and Ferrara

 "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the Austrian soprano Caterina Maddalena Giuseppa Cavalieri, born Katharina Magdalena Josepha Cavalier". Engraving.

Masters of Music

 "Venus", 1817-20, by Antonio Canova (1757 - 1822), marble statue. Detail.

The Age of Canova and Thorvaldsen

Francesco Hayez: "Portrait of  Countess Teresa Zumali Marisili and her son Giuseppe", oil painting, 1833.


 "Monna Vanna", (1866)  by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882); oil painting on canvas. The model is Alexa Wilding. Detail.


“Vesperbild” (Lamentation), sculpture in alabaster, by Master of Rimini, about 1430.

The Theme of Lamentation

 Florence, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo): “The Divine Comedy illuminates Florence”, also known as “Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy”. Fresco by Domenico di Michelino (1465), designed by Alessio Baldovinetti,Detail of the Purgatory hill.

Dante Alighieri

  Isola Pescatori: view of the island.


Turin, the Royal Palace: view of the "Daniel's Gallery", with frescoes by Daniel Seiter (1690 - 1694).


 Bormio: view of Frodolfo creek from the Combo bridge.


Milano, Basilica of S. Ambrogio: the porch of the rectory.


Bergamo, Città alta, Cappella Colleoni (Colleoni Chapel), iron wrought gate realised by Vincenzo Muzio in 1912, according to a drawing by Gaetano Moretti: detail with a woman's head.

Bergamo and its Surroundings

Brescia: alley of the historical centre. In the background, the dome of the New Cathedral, in late Baroque style and the cylindrical structure of the Old Cathedral, built at the end of the eleventh century.


Brescia, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo: “Angel”, by Raffaello Sanzio, 1501.

Brescia: Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo

Brescia, "Santa Giulia, Museum of the City" (Unesco site since 2011), Church of Santa Maria in Solario: the Cross of Desiderius, adorned with stones, cameos and coloured glasses. High example of Lombard goldsmiths, end of the 8th century. Detail.

Brescia: Santa Giulia, Museum of the City

 Cremona: night view of piazza del Comune with the Duomo (the Cathedral), the Torrazzo and the Baptistery.


Mantua, Palazzo Te: view of the Room of Giants (southern wall).

Mantua: Palazzo Te

Ducal Palace: vault of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in the north-east tower of the Castle of San Giorgio in Mantua. It is famous for the cycle of frescoes that covers its walls, a masterpiece by Andrea Mantegna, created between 1465 and 1474.Detail of the vault illusionistically divided into painted rib vault and pendentives. The space is divided into regular figures, with a golden background and monochrome paintings.In the center is the famous oculus. It is a round open illusionistically towards the sky, which was supposed to recall the famous oculus of the Pantheon. In the oculus you can see a balustrade from which a court lady leans out, accompanied by her black servant, a group of maids, a dozen putti, a peacock and a vase, against the background of a blue sky. To reinforce the impression of the open oculus, Mantegna painted some cherubs dangerously poised clinging to the inside of the frame, with dizzying glimpses of their plump little bodies.

Mantua: Camera Picta

Fanzolo, Villa Emo, the Io room: "Spring and Autumn". Fresco by Giovanni Battista Zelotti, about 1565.

Frescoes of the Venetian Villas

Piazza del Santo, veduta della Basilica di S. Antonio. In primo piano: Donatello (1453), monumento equestre di Erasmo da Narni " Il Gattamelata".


Wooden model of the Palladian Basilica (Palazzo della Ragione) in Vicenza, realised by the "Ballico-Officina Modellisti" of Schio in 1976. In the background, the roofing of the Palladian Basilica, 25 meters high at the top.


Piacenza, S. Savino Basilica, crypt with floor mosaic dedicated to the signs of Zodiac (XII century): detail.


Parma, Former Monastery of St. Paul, Chamber of the Abbess or of St Paul or of Giovanna da Piacenza, the stove hood: "Diana on a chariot",  fresco by Antonio Allegri, known as il Correggio (1518-9). Diana probably is a mythical representation of the Abbess Giovanna da Piacenza who was Correggio's client.


Fidenza, Duomo (St. Donnino Cathedral), Façade: the bas-relief with Stories of Berta, Milone and Rolandino", detail with Milone seducing Berta. Work by Benedetto Antelami and his workshop.


 Parma, San Secondo, Rocca dei Rossi: the ceiling of the Room of Adonis. At the center of the perspective: " Death of Adonis". Frescoes of an unknown, perhaps Horace Samacchini, sec. XVI.

Castles of the Duchy of Parma

Fontanellato, Labirinto della Masone, by Franco Maria Ricci: the central courtyard and the Pyramid.


 Reggio Emilia, Gucciardi Guidotti Palace: detail of the staircase with a telamon.

Reggio Emilia

Vignola Stronghold, the Contrari Chapel, Western wall: "The Pentecost", fresco by the Master of Vignola, about 1420. Detail of the Virgin Mary.

Vignola: The Contrari Chapel

Modena: aerial view of Piazza Grade (Grande Square) with the Cathedral (Duomo), the Ghirlandina (bell tower) and the Town Hall with the civic tower.


Modena, Ghirlandina Tower: the octagonal spiral staircase in the summit spire of the tower.

Modena: The Ghirlandina Tower

 Modena, Galleria Estense: Marble bust  of Francesco I d'Este, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680). Detail.

Modena: Galleria Estense

Sassuolo, Este Ducal Palace; Room of Love: “Meeting of Mark Antony and Cleopatra" (Mark Antony abandons the Battle of Actium and his fleet to join Cleopatra); fresco by Jean Boulanger and Girolamo Cialdieri (1641 - 44). Detail.


Ferrara: night view of the Castello Estense (the Estense Castle), also known as Castle of St. Michael. In the foreground, the statue of the Ferrara friar Girolamo Savonarola.

Ferrara and its Surroundings

 MEIS, National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah in the town of Ferrara: detail of the façade and the surrounding wall flanked by a tree.The MEIS was realised in a building in via Piangipane which is part of the complex consisting of three blocks, enclosed by a double wall. The Museum is therefore the result of a work of conversion of the judicial prison in via Piangipane which was built between 1908 and 1912 based on a design by the engineers Bertotti and Facchini of the Civil Engineer Office. During the twenty years of fascism it became a place of detention for many anti-fascists. After the fall of the regime, on July 30,1943, 88 politic

MEIS, Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah

Genoa, Villa del Principe (Palazzo di Andrea Doria), the Loggia of the Heroes: Andrea Doria's ancestors . Detail of nobleman with armor and shield. Fresco by Perin del Vaga (Pietro Bonaccorsi), 1530 - 1533.


Genoa, Duomo (St. Lawrence Cathedral),the Chapel of St. John the Baptist, Western wall: "Eve", by Matteo Civitali, 149-98, marble statue inside a recess.Detail.

Genoa: San Lorenzo Cathedral

  Genoa, Museum of the Treasury of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo: Plate of St. John the Baptist. Roman manufacture of the first century d. C. and goldsmith of Paris in the beginning of the fifteenth century. Chalcedony, gold, rubies, enamel.The Plate of St. John, which is said to have greeted the head of John the Baptist, is the work of ancient Roman imperial age in chalcedony, decorated with a head of the Precursor in gold and enamels en ronde bosse, The decoration of the head was performed in 1400 in Paris for one of the princes of the house of Valois, and donated to the Cathedral of Genoa by Pope Innocent VIII Cybo, Genoese, who had inherited from Jean Balue, French cardinal, a person who had

Genoa: Cathedral Museums

  Florence, Palazzo Pitti: the façade onto the Boboli Gardens. In the background, the Duomo (Cathedral) and the Brunelleschi's dome.


Florence, the Baptistery of St. John, exterior: the South  façade in Carrara white marble and green Prato marble with the Paradise door by Lorenzo Ghiberti and "The Baptism of Christ" (copy of the original statues in the Opa Museum) by Andrea Sansovino, (1467-1529), Vincenzo Danti (1530-1576) and Giuseppe Spinazzi (1726-1798).

Florence: Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore

“The beheading of St. John the Baptist”, by Andrea del Verrocchio.Tile of “The Silver Altar of St. John's Treasure” (1367 - 1483), Museum of the Opera del Duomo (Museum of Florence Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore), Florence.Detail.

Florence: The Silver Altar of St. John's Treasure

Basilica of the Holy Cross: "View of the Church and the Monastery", 1718, by Florentine painter, oil painting on canvas.

Florence: Basilica of the Holy Cross

Museo Novecento: "Two female dancers", by  Massimo Campigli (Max Ihlenfeld), 1938. Oil painting on canvas.

Florence: Novecento Museum

"The chapel of the Miracle of the Sacrament", with frescoes by Cosimo Rosselli (1485-1486)Florence, Church of St. Ambrose.

Florence: Church of St. Ambrose

 Lombardy worskhop: fresco representing a woman drawing a drape with a geometrical pattern, beginning XV century.

Florence: Stefano Bardini Museum

Medici Villa La Petraia, courtyard: “Catherine De’ Medici and her Children”, fresco from the cycle of the Fasti Medicei by Volterrano (Baldassarre Franceschini), 1636-1647.Catherine de' Medici, on a throne with the back draped with French lilies, is close to seven of her ten children (those who died at a very young age are missing): Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III, all kings of France, Francis Hercules , Duke of Alençon, and his daughters Elizabeth, Queen of Spain, Claudia, Duchess of Lorraine, and Margaret, wife of Henry of Navarre. The boys are arranged in a crown and each of them has the precise attributes of his royal or noble status (sceptres, crowns, jewels and cloaks).Detail.

Florence: Villa La Petraia

Pinocchio Park: the Game of the Goose by E. Taccini.

Collodi and Pescia

The Piccolomini Library, south east wall: “Aeneas Sylvius introduces Eleonora of Aragona to Frederick III, February 24, 1452 ”, the fifth one of the ten stories about Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, future Pope Pius II, (1503 - 1508), fresco  by Bernardino di Betto, known as Pinturicchio.

Siena: Piccolomini Library

Piccolomini Library: choir book,  cod. 20.5, ff. 36v with “Aeolus”, by  Liberale da Verona  (about 1445  - 1527/9). Detail.

Siena, Piccolomini Library: Illuminated Manuscripts

Regional Park of Maremma,

The Maremma Regional Park

 Gaiole in Chianti, Castagnoli, Rocca di Castagnoli (Castagnoli Castle which is now a company that produces wine and oil. They have rooms to let and there is a restaurant): bottle of Chianti wine before a Black Rooster sculpture in wrought iron (the iconic black rooster is the seal of the Consorzio Chianti Classico).


 The Archaeological Park of Baratti and Populonia, Necropolis of St. Cerbone in Baratti, Via delle Cave (the Road of the Quarries): Necropolis of the Quarries. In the background, the Baratti Gulf.

Populonia and the Gulf of Baratti

 Deruta, Regional Ceramics Museum of Deruta: Head of a Woman, by Gaetano Magazzù, XX century.


 Perugia: Fontivegge Executive-Residential-Commercial Center, which houses, among others, the offices of the Umbria Region. In the eighties Aldo Rossi designed this structure that surrounds piazza del Bacio on three sides.


 Foligno, Trinci Palace:  The Hall of Liberal Arts and Planets. In this hall the symbolic figures of the seven planets are represented (Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun) following the order of the days of the week. Each planet oversees a phase of human life that is depicted inside concentric disks where in the middle zone, the Air, the Sun and the Moon define a specific time of day. On the north wall of the Hall the Arts of Trivio (Grammar, Dialectic, Rhetoric) and of the Quadrivium (Arithmetic, Music, Geometry and Astronomy) were depicted, according to a hierarchical order of learning that leads to the point of arrival of all human knowledge, Philosophy , which triumphs in the center of the wall opposite the window. Each planet influences a phase of human life, at each stage of human life corresponds, in the learning scale, a different discipline, each discipline is similar, for its properties, to one of the celestial spheres. The decoration is entrusted to Gentile da Fabriano, the greatest exponent of international Gothic in Italy, with aids (Jacopo Bellini, Paolo Nocchi, Francesco Giambono from Bologna and Domenico da Padova's Battista), and realized the 1411 and 1412 trails. Detail of the Astronomy.


View of the vineyards and the Winery Arnaldo Caprai where the Sagrantino wine of Montefalco is produced. In the background, the Subasio Mount and the small town of Spello.


 Spoleto, the Duomo (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta), presbytery, apse bowl-shaped vault: "Coronation of Mary", fresco by Filippo Lippi, helped by Fra' Diamante and Pier Matteo d'Amelia, 1468-9. Detail with the Virgin Mary and God.


 Orvieto, Basilica Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta (or Duomo): the façade, whose building started at the end of the XIII century. The tricuspid design was by Lorenzo Maitani and executed by Maitani himself with the help of Pisa and Siena craftsmen (1320 -30). The execution was continued by Andrea Pisano (1347) and by Orcagna (1359) to whom we owe the rose window.


 Rome, Roman Forum: view.Right: the columns of the Dioskouri temple.Centre: the church of Santa Francesca Romana.Background: the Colosseum.


Rome, Villa Farnesina, the Loggia of Galatea:  "The Triumph of Galatea", by Raphael (1513 - 4). Galatea was the beautiful nymph whom Raphael depicted amongst a throng of sea creatures as she speeds away from her admirer on a fantastical shell drawn by dolphins.Detail.

Rome: Villa Farnesina

 Rome, Capitoline Museums: the Capitoline Brutus, bronze statue, IV - III century BC.

Rome: Capitoline Museums

Palermo, the Botanical Gardens:  vases incorporated by the roots of Ficus magnolioide.


Palermo, The Royal Palace or Palazzo dei Normanni (Palace of the Normans): view of the Porta Nuova Tower.

Palermo: The Palace of Normans

 Monreale, Duomo: view of the cloister and the cathedral with the bell tower. In the foreground, the Southern side of capital E24 (Resurrection of Christ and Descent to the limbo), XII century.

Monreale: The Cathedral

Ancient Motorbike Benelli 250 Corsa 4 Cilindri  (250 Race 4 Cylinders with Compressor)

Vintage Motorcycles

Ancient Motorbike Vespa Sei Giorni. Scooter.


Ancient Motorbike Triumph H Side


Old Tractor.Make: PorscheModel: JuniorYear: 1962Fuel: Diesel oilNumber of Cylinders: 1Displacement: 1.600 ccHorse Power: 15 HPCharacteristics:

Vintage Tractors

 A plate showing the preparation of tortellini (a kind of Italian first course) and flour.

Italian Food